BTS 2020 Dream Big Board!
These are the dreams that were shared at our last AGM. Scroll to the bottom of the page to see an image of the hand-written comments from our membership.
• Wider community connections: choir sings for homeless you, choir sings at the Farmer’s Market, Art Walk, healing centers, stress release centers….(?)
• Most people who are introduced to Hospice program have no idea that BTS is an available service - how to improve on that?
• Love; sharing of what the Crows are doing – no secrets. Many anchors, safe communication. Appreciation Always. Input opportunities for all.
• Include/welcome more younger women into our circle.
• An island singing retreat….
• More outside rehearsal gatherings.
• One day mini retreat
• How to schedule a sing when there is not a clear point person for the client.
• I am an Anchor and my full boat and I will bring comfort and love each week at the Hospice House.
• I dream that BTS touch more and more souls as they approach/cross the next threshold. I dream we can be the bridge that supports each soul into what becomes the next adventure.
• Dream – To become a brighter blessing to our community, to build a circle of sisterhood that can hold every change with love and trust. And to have more of our singers become bedside anchors!
• Conversations about dreams in full choir venue; singing at births, singing at the prison, song baths for community.
• To make Anchoring more accessible to singers
• Summer picnic sing! (Sisterhood fun)
• I hope we will have more opportunity to sing to new mothers and babies. Our songwriters will have to compose new music with joy-in-new-life lyrics.
• My dream is that we provide song baths for those in the community who need comfort, healing and/or spiritual nourishment.
• To be ready and able to respond to every request for singing and to be able to continue singing for that client as long as is needed.
• I dream of our continuing growth welcoming new sisters while deepening relationships with current sisters.
• To be better known in the community.
• May BTS continue to serve this community with love and grace by providing love and warmth with voice in song to make sometimes difficult passages free of fear and loneliness.
• For continued, wonderful leadership, plentiful anchors and sails, binding hearts together of those singing with those being sung to. Nothing newly profound, nonetheless profound. Grateful!
• Training in conflict resolution or facilitation for more productive and pleasant board meetings. Having my financial skill recognized by TCI to help navigate financial issues of Affiliated Chapters.