Our Songs
Our repertoire consists mainly of songs written specifically to meet the needs of those on life’s threshold. Our singers are well-practiced at choosing songs and ways of singing that will best help the individual in the moment. Sometimes we only hum.
Not everyone we sing for is dying. We also sing for individuals who are recovering from surgery or severe illness and for those who may be house-bound or bedridden with chronic conditions.
We sing songs of peace, love, gratitude, courage and letting go. For those who are tense or in pain, we sing to help them relax and focus on their breathing. We sing uplifting songs of healing and joy to help families as they approach a time of grieving.
Some individuals have favorite songs (e.g., country and western, patriotic, show tunes or holiday songs). We have no agenda when we visit. If we are informed about an individual’s musical preferences, we do our best to accommodate.
We have no religious affiliation and sing for people of all faiths or no faith. Some of our songs are spiritual, though not religious. Other songs are not spiritual at all. When religious songs are requested, we can sing a few. We know songs from several faith and ethnic traditions.
Even COVID didn’t stop us from singing at the bedside