Make a Donation

Bellingham Threshold Singers is supported entirely by donations and grants. Our volunteer service is a gift to our clients, and we depend on gifts from others to pay our ongoing expenses as a non-profit organization. Your donation will help us:

  • train our singers in the specialized techniques required for bedside singing

  • maintain our website, phone, and post office box

  • facilitate community outreach

  • cover other expenses to remain in good standing as a nonprofit organization

Bellingham Threshold Singers is a 501(c)(3) organization and a registered charity with the State of Washington. All donations are fully tax-deductible as allowed by the Internal Revenue Service.

To Donate with a Check
Please make your check payable to:
Bellingham Threshold Singers

Mail check to:
Bellingham Threshold Singers • PO Box 5303 • Bellingham, WA 98227-5303

To Donate using a Credit Card or PayPal
Click on the Donation button below. Thank you!


You can also support Bellingham Threshold Singers through:

Fred Meyer Community Rewards
Every time you shop at Fred Meyer, a percentage of your purchase will be a donation to our organization. Start by going to the link above and follow directions to select Bellingham Threshold Singers as your preferred charity.

Network for Good
You can use this organization to donate through your employer or through other partners such as Facebook, Google, YouTube or Charity Navigator.

Every time you make an online purchase through this site at stores like Best Buy, Home Depot, REI and Macy’s, a percentage of your purchase can be a donation to our organization. Start by going to the link above and follow directions to create an account and select Bellingham Threshold Singers as your preferred charity.

Thrivent Choice
We are registered with Thrivent Choice. If you are a Thrivent member able to designate Choice Dollars, please direct them toward Bellingham Threshold Singers.

Thank You for Your Ongoing Support!